Wednesday 5 November 2014

good recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

Good Recipes


With grocery store magic and same-day international delivery, it's possible to get nearly any fruit or vegetable pretty much any time of year. But when eating local or looking for the best tasting (and most nutritious) product, it's always good to stay in-season. Here's a list of the tastiest summer-fresh goodies to look for in the produce aisle all season long:

1. Kiwi
Just one cup of this electric green fruit provides more potassium than the same amount of sliced bananas — with less sugar and calories! They may taste sweet, but there’s no worrying about cavities when it comes to kiwi, with just 7 grams of sugar in one medium fruit they have almost three times less sugar than one apple. One cup of the fruit also contains 5 grams of fiber (the green part has soluble fiber, while the seeds and skin offer the insoluble kind), or about 21 percent of the daily recommended intake, to help promote feelings of fullness.
Try it: Kiwi-Lime Ice Pops via Eating Well

2. Asparagus
This pointy veggie may look aggressive — they are called spears, after all — but the nutritional powers of asparagus prove it’s a dietary lover, not a fighter. The spears are a good source of vitamin K (important for strong bones and blood clotting) and antioxidants, which repair damage done by free radicals and can help reduce risk of serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer Role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases. Dhalla, NS., Temsah, R., Netticadan, T. Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, St Boniface General Hospital Research Centre and Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Journal of Hypertension 2000 June; 18(6):655-73. Oxidative stress and the use of antioxidants in diabetes: Linking basic science to clinical practice. Johansen, J.S., Harris, A.K., Rychly, D.J., et al. University of Tromso, Tromso, Norway; Medical College of Georgia Vascular Biology Center, Augusta, Georgia, USA. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2005 Apr 29; 4(1):5. Dietary Antioxidants: Immunity and Host Defense. Puertollano, M., Puertollano, E., de Cienfuegos, G., et al. Universidad de Jaén, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, Área de Microbiología, E-23071-Jaén, Spain. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2011;11(14):1752-66.. Try it: Asparagus and Tomato Salad with Feta via Huffington Post

3. Lemons
Hey, wipe that sour look off your face! This tart, sunny-colored fruit is a pretty sweet superfood. Lemons are packed with flavor, but (thankfully) not calories. The juice of an entire lemon has only 12 calories but a whopping third of the daily recommended value of vitamin C and other antioxidants. Those antioxidants, known as flavonoids, could make lemons a good way to decrease heart disease risk, reduce inflammation, and fight some cancers (including pancreatic and stomach) Update on uses and properties of citrus flavonoids: new findings in anticancer, cardiovascular, and anti-inflammatory activity. Benavente-García, O., Castillo, J. Research and Development Department of Nutrafur-Furfural Español S.A., Camino Viejo de Pliego, Alcantarilla, Murcia, Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008 Aug 13;56(15):6185-205. Citrus fruit intake and stomach cancer risk: a quantitative systematic review. Bae, J.M., Lee, E.J., Guyatt, G. Department of Preventive Medicine, Cheju National University College of Medicine, Jeju, Jejudo, Korea. Gastric Cancer, 2008;11(1):23-32. Citrus fruit intake and pancreatic cancer risk: a quantitative systematic review. Bae, J.M., Lee, E.J., Guyatt, G. Department of Preventive Medicine, Cheju National University College of Medicine, Jejudo, Korea. Pancreas, 2009 Mar;38(2):168-74.. Try it: Chicken Breasts with Fennel, Lemon, and Green Olives via Gastronomers Guide

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

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