Wednesday 5 November 2014

good recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

Good Recipes


With grocery store magic and same-day international delivery, it's possible to get nearly any fruit or vegetable pretty much any time of year. But when eating local or looking for the best tasting (and most nutritious) product, it's always good to stay in-season. Here's a list of the tastiest summer-fresh goodies to look for in the produce aisle all season long:

1. Kiwi
Just one cup of this electric green fruit provides more potassium than the same amount of sliced bananas — with less sugar and calories! They may taste sweet, but there’s no worrying about cavities when it comes to kiwi, with just 7 grams of sugar in one medium fruit they have almost three times less sugar than one apple. One cup of the fruit also contains 5 grams of fiber (the green part has soluble fiber, while the seeds and skin offer the insoluble kind), or about 21 percent of the daily recommended intake, to help promote feelings of fullness.
Try it: Kiwi-Lime Ice Pops via Eating Well

2. Asparagus
This pointy veggie may look aggressive — they are called spears, after all — but the nutritional powers of asparagus prove it’s a dietary lover, not a fighter. The spears are a good source of vitamin K (important for strong bones and blood clotting) and antioxidants, which repair damage done by free radicals and can help reduce risk of serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer Role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases. Dhalla, NS., Temsah, R., Netticadan, T. Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, St Boniface General Hospital Research Centre and Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Journal of Hypertension 2000 June; 18(6):655-73. Oxidative stress and the use of antioxidants in diabetes: Linking basic science to clinical practice. Johansen, J.S., Harris, A.K., Rychly, D.J., et al. University of Tromso, Tromso, Norway; Medical College of Georgia Vascular Biology Center, Augusta, Georgia, USA. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2005 Apr 29; 4(1):5. Dietary Antioxidants: Immunity and Host Defense. Puertollano, M., Puertollano, E., de Cienfuegos, G., et al. Universidad de Jaén, Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, Área de Microbiología, E-23071-Jaén, Spain. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2011;11(14):1752-66.. Try it: Asparagus and Tomato Salad with Feta via Huffington Post

3. Lemons
Hey, wipe that sour look off your face! This tart, sunny-colored fruit is a pretty sweet superfood. Lemons are packed with flavor, but (thankfully) not calories. The juice of an entire lemon has only 12 calories but a whopping third of the daily recommended value of vitamin C and other antioxidants. Those antioxidants, known as flavonoids, could make lemons a good way to decrease heart disease risk, reduce inflammation, and fight some cancers (including pancreatic and stomach) Update on uses and properties of citrus flavonoids: new findings in anticancer, cardiovascular, and anti-inflammatory activity. Benavente-García, O., Castillo, J. Research and Development Department of Nutrafur-Furfural Español S.A., Camino Viejo de Pliego, Alcantarilla, Murcia, Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008 Aug 13;56(15):6185-205. Citrus fruit intake and stomach cancer risk: a quantitative systematic review. Bae, J.M., Lee, E.J., Guyatt, G. Department of Preventive Medicine, Cheju National University College of Medicine, Jeju, Jejudo, Korea. Gastric Cancer, 2008;11(1):23-32. Citrus fruit intake and pancreatic cancer risk: a quantitative systematic review. Bae, J.M., Lee, E.J., Guyatt, G. Department of Preventive Medicine, Cheju National University College of Medicine, Jejudo, Korea. Pancreas, 2009 Mar;38(2):168-74.. Try it: Chicken Breasts with Fennel, Lemon, and Green Olives via Gastronomers Guide

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Good Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

cake recipes

Healthier Cake Tips

Applesauce is your friend. This old lunchbox favorite makes a great substitute for sugar or fat when baking a cake (just don’t try to replace both at the same time…). When subbing for sugar, applesauce can be used as a replacement in a 1:1 ratio — just be sure to reduce the amount of milk, water, or other liquid in the recipe by ¼ cup for every cup of applesauce added. To cut down on oil or butter, start by replacing half of the fat with applesauce (for example, a recipe using 1 cup oil would be reduced to ½ cup oil and ½ cup applesauce).
Swap white flour for something a bit healthier. Skip white flour for something healthier, whether it’s whole-wheat flour, nut flour, or a mix of a few different types. White, or “all-purpose” flour is processed in a way that removes the bran (the outer layer of the wheat grain) and germ of the wheat, taking away all the healthy stuff like fiber.
Slim down the toppings. If you’re already chowing down on cake, there’s no need to top it with more refined sugar! Instead of traditional frosting and candy toppings, try frosting with something lighter, such as fresh whipped cream (or coconut whipped cream!) or meringue. Instead of sprinkles or candy, top with fresh fruit or antioxidant-rich dark chocolate.
Cut down on fat to save unnecessary calories. In addition to applesauce, there are a number of easy and healthy recipe substitutions to help cut back on unnecessary added fat in all kinds of baking recipes. (Not that fat is unhealthy, just that, why add extra if you don’t need to? Save your fat allowance for that hunk of Brie cheese in the fridge!) One of our favorite substitutes is mashed banana. Just one cup of mashed banana works perfectly in place of 1 cup of butter or oil (just be prepared for a big banana flavor kick, too). For chocolate cake, ¾ cup prunes pureed with ¼ cup boiling water makes another great substitute for butter (seriously!).
The Cakes

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1. Carrot Cake
This healthier carrot cake recipe cuts out the sugar, white flour, and excess butter in favor of healthier substitutions like dates, whole-wheat flour, and bananas. Add in a healthy dose of carrots, coconut, walnuts, and raisins, and you’ve got a perfectly textured cake with zero added sugar. And you don’t need to pass on the cream cheese frosting, either — this one calls for cream cheese sweetened with honey and lime juice.

2. Healthier German Chocolate Cake
Moderation is still key with this semi-decadent recipe. The classic recipe gets a healthier twist by subbing in a natural sugar alternative in the actual cake, and soy milk and coconut milk in the frosting.

3. Flourless Chocolate Cake
There’s no flour in this simple chocolate cake, but that doesn’t make it any less decadent. You only need a few ingredients, too, nearly all of which pack a nutritional punch: baking chocolate, eggs, butter or coconut oil, cocoa powder, and honey.

4. Banana Snack Cake
Any cake that can count as a snack gets an A+ in our book. A combo of whole-wheat and corn flour give this loaf cake a nice crumby texture, while stevia, ripe bananas, and almond butter lend just the right amount of sweetness.

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5. Flourless Tangerine Cake
This recipe takes three tangerines — the whole things — and turns ‘em into smooth, citrusy puree that turns the resulting cake a festive shade of yellow-orange. Sugar, almond meal, and eggs make up the rest of the cake for a lightly sweet, super-citrus flavored cake perfect for a spring or summer celebration. We imagine it would be to die for with a drizzle of dark chocolate. (Yum!)

6. Whole-Wheat Chocolate-Zucchini Cake
We promise you won’t be able to taste the zucchini or recognize the whole-wheat flour in this tender and delicious cake recipe. In addition to these two wholesome main ingredients, the cake gets its sweetness from a bit of honey and applesauce, and its unique flavor from cinnamon, cardamom, and cocoa powder.

7. Fruit-Only Tiered “Cake”
This “cake” is the ultimate healthier choice for celebrating. Spoiler alert: There is no actual cake! But there’s still loads of deliciousness. You’re going to need some serious fruit peeling and knife skills to pull this one off!

8. Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Jar Cakes
This sweet potato-based cake makes for a gorgeous display when studded with dark chocolate chips! Plus, the toppings are completely customizable: choose whipped cream and chocolate chips, or fresh fruit and Greek yogurt — neither will be more than delicious!

9. Cookies and Cream Greek Yogurt Cake
Cookies and cream is one of those iconic flavors that perfectly satisfy any sweet tooth. This recipe takes the guilt out of the occasional indulgence in cookies-and-cream goodness by including whole-wheat flour and Greek yogurt.

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10. Deep-Dish Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake
We know, it’s hard to believe a recipe with a title like that could be a (semi) healthier choice. The crust is made from hemp seeds, dates, flax seeds, and cacao powder; the filling is all frozen bananas, dates, cashews, coconut oil, water, cacao powder, and nut butter. This is one cake that’s sure to fulfill that sweet tooth while also providing nutritional value.

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

cake recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes



 1. Herbed Cheese and Tomato Sandwich: 398 Calories

Why it rules: Cottage cheese is an awesome low-fat source of protein!

Calorie breakdown: 1 English muffin: 120 calories, ¼ cup low-fat cottage cheese: 40 calories, 2 slices tomato: 10 calories, ¼ avocado, sliced: 68 calories, 1 tablespoon spicy brown mustard: 5 calories, 1 leaf butter lettuce: 5 calories, 1 tablespoon chives, chopped: <1 calorie, Garlic powder to taste: <1 calorie

Side snack: 1 small banana and one square of dark chocolate (130 calories)

2. Hawaiian Veggie burger: 380 Calories

Why it rules: Avocado is a great swap for mayonnaise because it’s full of healthy monosaturated fats.

Calorie breakdown: ​1 whole-wheat bun: 90 calories, 1 veggie burger patty: 100 calories, ¼ avocado, mashed: 68 calories, 1 round of pineapple: 25 calories, 2 tablespoons BBQ sauce: 15 calories, 1 handful alfalfa sprouts: 5 calories

Side snack: 1 large handful of sweet potato chips (80 calories)

3. Crunchy Tuna Wrap: 382 Calories

Why it rules: Greek yogurt makes this tuna salad just as creamy as the classic mayo would, but without all the extra fat and cholesterol!

Calorie breakdown: 1 whole-wheat wrap: 130 calories, ½ a 6oz.-can of tuna: 90 calories, ¼ cup non-fat Greek yogurt: 30 calories, ½ a celery stalk, chopped: 5 calories, 3 slices roasted red peppers: 30 calories, 1 handful of baby spinach: 5 calories, 1 squeeze of lemon juice: <1 calorie

Side snack: 1 cup cherries (90 calories)

4. Turkey Wrap: 365 Calories

Why it rules: Turkey is a tasty and lean source of protein. Bonus points for choosing the low-sodium kind!

Calorie breakdown: 1 whole-wheat wrap: 130 calories, 3 slices deli turkey: 90 calories, 2 tablespoons hummus: 60 calories, 1 tablespoon goat cheese: 60 calories, 1 handful baby spinach: 5 calories

Side snack: 9 Parmesan Garlic and Herb Pita Chips (140 calories)

5. Mediterranean Burger: 400 Calories

Why it rules: Subbing turkey for the traditional beef saves some calories without sacrificing flavor.

Calorie breakdown: 1 whole-wheat bun: 90 calories, 1 turkey burger patty: 140 calories, 2 tablespoons feta cheese: 50 calories, 2 slices tomato: 10 calories, 1 round slice red onion: 5 calories, 1 handful spinach: 5 calories

Side snack: 5 Kashi 7-grain crackers with 1 stick reduced-fat string cheese (100 calories)

6. Spiced Chickpea Pita: 350 Calories

Why it rules: Try this spin on a traditional falafel sandwich without fried chickpeas.

Calorie breakdown: 1 whole-wheat pita: 80 calories, ½ a chicken breast: 100 calories, ¼ cup chickpeas: 70 calories, ¼ cup Greek yogurt: 30 calories, 1 sprinkle parsley: <1 calorie, 1 sprinkle oregano: <1 calorie

Side snack: 1 large peach (70 calories)

7. Spicy Black Bean Burrito: 365 Calories

Why it rules: Black beans are an awesome source of fiber.

Calorie breakdown: 1 whole-wheat wrap: 130 calories, ¼ cup black beans: 60 calories, ¼ avocado, sliced: 60 calories, ¼ small red onion, sliced: 10 calories, 1 teaspoon hot sauce: 5 calories

Side snack: 10 baked tortilla chips with ¼ cup salsa (100 calories)

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

healthy dinner recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

Saturday 1 November 2014

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

Chicken Breast Recipes


Bechamel Chicken Pasta

"This is a twist on a classic Middle Eastern bechamel pasta. It consists of chicken breast, penne pasta, vegetables, and herbs, and is topped with a luscious bechamel and mozzarella cheese. Baked until nice and bubbly."


Original recipe makes 8 servingsChange Servings
 1 (16 ounce) package dried penne pasta
 2 tablespoons olive oil
 1 small onion, diced
 1 green bell pepper, diced
 3 cloves garlic, minced
 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cubed
 1/2 cup frozen peas
 1 bunch cilantro
 3 sprigs fresh dill weed, chopped
 1 (6 ounce) can Italian-flavored tomato paste
 1/2 cup water
 salt and pepper to taste
 5 tablespoons butter
 1 cube chicken bouillon
 5 tablespoons all-purpose flour
 3 cups milk
 pepper to taste
 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil, cook the penne pasta 10 to 12 minutes, until al dente, and drain.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat, and saute the onion, green bell pepper, and garlic until tender. Stir in the chicken, and cook until almost done. Mix in the peas, cilantro, dill, tomato paste, and enough water to make a thick sauce. Continue to cook and stir until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear, and all the ingredients are heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
To prepare the bechamel sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Dissolve the chicken bouillon cube in the melted butter. Stirring constantly, blend in the flour until smooth. Mix in the milk, season with pepper, and continue to cook and stir until the sauce is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
In a bowl, mix the cooked pasta with 1/2 the bechamel sauce. Place 1/2 the pasta in a baking dish, layer with 1/2 the chicken mixture, and 1/2 the mozzarella cheese. Layer with the remaining pasta, remaining chicken mixture, and remaining bechamel sauce. Top with remaining mozzarella cheese.
Bake 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until bubbly.

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Breast Recipes Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

Chicken Recipes For Dinner Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies

Chicken Recipes For Dinner


Oven-Fried Chicken

Cooking spray
1 1/3 cups crispy rice cereal
2 1/4 cups bagel chips or Melba toasts
5 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
3/4 teaspoon hot paprika
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1 1/2 cups plain Greek yogurt (2%)
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
4 skinless, bone-in chicken thighs or halved bone-in breasts (about 6 ounces each)
2 bunches scallions
Harissa, chili sauce or ketchup, for the sauce

Preheat the oven to 475 degrees F. Set a rack on a foil-lined baking sheet and generously coat the rack with cooking spray.

Finely grind the cereal and bagel chips in a food processor and transfer to a large resealable plastic bag. Add 3 teaspoons olive oil, the paprika, 2 teaspoons salt, and pepper to taste and toss.

Whisk 1/2 cup yogurt and the mustard in a shallow bowl. Add the chicken and turn to coat, then transfer to the bag; seal and shake to coat. Place the chicken on the rack and mist with cooking spray.

Toss the scallions with the remaining 2 teaspoons olive oil and place alongside the chicken. Bake until the chicken is crisp and a thermometer inserted into the thickest part registers 160 degrees F, about 30 minutes.

Make the dipping sauce: Mix the remaining 1 cup yogurt and harissa to taste in a bowl. Serve the chicken and scallions with the sauce.

Per serving: Calories 369; Fat 13 g (Saturated 3 g); Cholesterol 86 mg; Sodium 1,274 mg; Carbohydrate 33 g; Fiber 3 g; Protein 30 g

Photograph by Antonis Achilleos

Recipe courtesy of Food Network Magazine

Chicken Recipes For Dinner  Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies 

 Recipes In Urdu For Kids for Dinner for Chicken in Hindi Vegetarian for Cakes with Ground Beef for Breakfast for Cookies